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アルバムに加え全楽曲の高音質MP3データのダウンロードコードが付きます。 データは注文受付後12時間以内に送信いたします。
Physical copy (CD) of "Cyberia Layer_2" with a download code for all the songs of high-quality MP3 data.The data will be sent as soon as possible, at least within 12 hours.


【決済方法】クレジットカード / PayPal / ゆうちょ振込




【Payment Method】Credit Card, PayPal


CD Album "Cyberia Layer_2" with MP3 Song data

  • 国内送料はおおよそ以下の通りです。

    ・​CD3枚まで 185円(クリックポスト)


    ・キャップ1つ 185円(クリックポスト)

    ・ステッカー何枚でも 84円(普通郵便)など


  • Shipping costs from Japan to overseas are returning to pre-Covid19 levels. For many countries it is possible to ship in small packages with tracking numbers.

    ・Physical CDs are $8 (7 Euro) for up to two CDs

    ・One T-shirt is $10 (9 euros)

    ・Two T-shirts are $14 (13 euros)

    We can ship to the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Brazil, and other countries that have a large number of fans, although it will be somewhat more expensive. In addition, some items can be shipped to the U.S. from our shipping base in California at a special rate.Asian countries can be shipped more cheaply. Please confirm exact rates at checkout.

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