1992年にJ-Trip Barでキャリアをスタート。西麻布Yellowや芝浦O Bar、横浜Gram Slamなどでレギュラープレイし、90年代のクラブ隆盛期から現在に至るまで日本のダンスミュージック・シーンを牽引してきたDJの一人。サウンドプロデュサーとしてもEstnation 銀座やBella Vista Spa & Marina 尾道、また代官山Hacienda Del CieloやRigolettoなど国内外26店舗のレストランを展開する株式会社HUGEのサウンドデザインを担当。制作面では自身もDJ役で声優出演したアニメ『serial experiments lain』のリミックスアルバムを始め、Remix作品も多数制作。またオンラインゲーム『Granada Esparda』の10周年記念ライブのオーケストラ演奏のRemixと楽曲構成を担当するなど幅広い分野で活動している。2018年から自身の音楽プロジェクト『Cyberia Layerシリーズ』をローンチし、これまでに5枚のアルバムをリリースした。
WASEI CHIKADA is a leading DJ in Japan who has performed on some of the country’s hottest
stages, including Fuji Rock Festival. He is a talented sound producer who has worked for renowned
hotels, restaurants, fashion brands, and more. Most recently, he arranged and remixed the orchestral
score for the 10th anniversary commemoration celebration for the online role-playing game
“Granado Esparda”. Wasei maintains a strong presence on YouTube and uploads a live DJ
performance series called “Kirei” (綺麗), which involves a unique mixture of House music
combined with beautiful Japanese scenery, of which has been viewed and attracted many
international fans around the world. Outside of his musical prowess, Wasei is also an accomplished
voice actor. Any Japanese person can recognize his voice due to numerous TV commercials and
advertisements featuring his narration. Wasei is an avid member of the Club and Club Culture
Conference (CCCC), which fought for the survival of Japan’s club culture in 2016, and successfully
persuaded the Cabinet to change an outdated law which prohibited clubs in Japan from letting
customers dance all night. The Japanese media spotlighted the group’s activities as “a new form of
social movement”. Wasei’s latest work is the album “Cyberia Layer_2”, which was produced to
commemorate the 20th anniversary of the landmark anime “Serial Experiments Lain”, which is still
watched to this day by diehard fans worldwide.